Ah, thanks for this, the place has tended to be a bit of a heras-fencing-fest. Looking at the photo and wondering if the new growth punctuating the railings is japanese knotweed, in which case some more work is needed pronto.
I'm always sorry to have missed one of MV Balmoral's calls at Lydney - and with the Balmoral now a static exhibit for the duration, it's probably not the sort of stunt that's viable for the Waverley. Though, that anyone navigates the Severn estuary out of choice is always, personally, a surprise.
Regarding possible knotweed, what the picture doesn't show is that the bank below the railings seems to have been fairly recently cleared with suppressant sheeting in evidence.....so it looks like action is being taken there.
Coincidentally, I am actually travelling on the Waverley tomorrow across the Bristol Channel to Penarth and back....a friend had a spare ticket so I snapped it up.