.........but videos are only likely to be posted of cyclists misbehaving, not the many who do the right thing, so it gives a skewed impression; I've not seen myself in any of them for a start. You could probably build up just as disturbing a set of videos showing some car drivers' behaviour at pedestrian crossings if you were trying to make a point about bad driving. I wonder if a significant proportion of those cycling badly have switched from driving and brought a bad attitude with them? I'd certainly rather they were on a bike than behind the wheel of a car, though better still on a bus or train to reduce the opportunity for harm further.
This in itself gives a "skewed impression".........
"videos are only likely to be posted of cyclists misbehaving" .........true, but only because it is so easy to catch such occurences by cyclists.
I regularly drive through Warminster High St; the set of traffic lights located there provide continuous examples of cyclist blantantly ignoring the red lights. I have never seen a car veer up onto the pavement to drive through the red light............I can guarantee that a short wait at these lights will show a couple of cyclists doing this !
Likewise, I have never seen a motor vehicle going down the (one way) Close, the wrong way - however, plenty of cyclists seem to - then usually mounting the pavement when they see my car approching them head on !
I doubtless will now be called "anti-cyclist"........I am not......I would just like cyclists to obey the same laws that I, as a motorist, do. The attitude that breaking the road traffic laws on a bike is, somehow, less harmful strikes me as somewhat bizarre. So, it's OK to shoplift from Tesco - but not from Mr Patel at the corner shop..............?