The Coffee Shop has little or no official standing - you'll note from all the blurb from yesterday it's all about various other bodies. And yet ... so many of our members were there, and several key industry players made a point of telling me how they stay in touch by reading the forum.
Plan was for the admins and moderators who were there to adjour to the Railway Inn afterwards, but we were "fed up" by
GWR▸ / in the TransWilts White Horse room, and so we took the more liquid approach afterwards. A really good opportunity to chat around the table / in real life; our communications are good anyway but the occasional IRL helps oil the wheels.
Topics we touched on during our chatting included:
* Switch from http to https
* Responsive interface to make phone and tablet access better
* Rendering glitches on tablets
* Interitance planning and database retention of public content
* Data and information security
* Software relying on deprecated facilities and one-off mods
A key feature that makes the running of a reliable service easier is to have a consistency in your equipment and supplies. It must be the bain of heritage operator's lives to have differing skills, training and supplies for the maintenance anc operation of a fleet unique locomotives, and yet that's what the rail enthusiast likes to see. In contrast, the enthusiast for rail wants to see a dependable reliability of service, knowing what's going to turn up each day.
Your moderator team demonstrate that they are first and foremost enthusiasts for rail in their consistency across the whole turn: