am writing firstly to inform you that Northern have decided to permanently withdraw the DalesRail service to save money at the behest of the Department of Transport and secondly to implore you to write a personal letter of objection/complaint regarding this decision. We are not taking the decision lying down and already a joint letter from LRR, Friends of the Settle-Carlisle Line, The Settle-Carlisle Development Company, Travel Watch NW and Ribble Valley Rail has been sent to Northern, Transport for the North, relevant MP▸ ’s, the Ramblers and other relevant groups asking them for support.
We need to bombard the people who made the decision with an avalanche of complaints so that they realise the strength of feeling. Therefore members of the Rail Rambler Committee and I implore you to write a personal letter with, I suggest using some of the following information and pertinent points ...
Please follow the link to read more about this popular service that has been running for 30 years