Poll closed yesterday. In answer to "would you use these feeds if I brought them back" you voted (on a low turnout for our polls)
Yes - often - 0 (0%)
Yes - occasionally - 5 (29.4%)
Don't know - 1 (5.9%)
No - 9 (52.9%)
I don't know about these feeds - 2 (11.8%)
The feeds at present are working intermittently - sometimes correct, other times giving results many hours old, at other times giving no trains or a program error message on a condition I have not allowed for in the feed.
Since I wrote the code that "scrapes" Tiger, alternative systems have come along and to some extent my work has been supplanted by more modern stuff. In view of the low turnout of voters, the only users being some occasional ones, and the significant programming effort to get an alternative in place - potentially one with a limited life - I am proposing to
replace the links with links to "next train to" boards which are the next generation of data from the rail industry.
Swindon IS working at present - here is what is shows
proposal is to switch to something like this:
Different in what it says and in many ways more useful (as well as less useful in other ways)
Comment / additional feedback welcome ...