Does the Coffeeshop itself gather stats on visitor locations and what they're using to visit the site?
Some but limited stats, and over time the analytics we used to use have moved on so we have less than we used to.
Just had a look at some of the analytic stuff we do still have:
Latest 28 days, 64603 views. 1948 Active Users of whom 1423 from
UK▸ averaging 5.83 sessions each
33.16 views per active (UK) user
Of the 1948 active users:
840 Chrome, 608 Safari, 269 Firefox, 143 Edge, 56 Samsung Internet, 13 Opera
1120 Web / Desktop, 782 Web / Mobile, 47 Web / Tablet
With the high proportion from the UK, I am pretty sure these are "clean" real users rather than automata