A bit silly me posting on the forum about how to access the forum if and when you're having trouble connecting. But here goes:
Please note and perhaps bookmark http://status.passenger.chat .
http://status.firstgreatwestern.info works as well. They'll take you to a different web server in a different country where I can post an update if there are problems with out main system.
Please note that the status server is not a mirror nor a hot spare - if you check it for the status you'll get updates of how we're doing if there are problems. We do keep backups to restore service if things go pear shaped (and indeed I had to test the backups to restore something last week), but we do not have seamless fallbacks.
I am reminding members of this page following on from access issues for some over the last 48 hours; a widespread problem on the internet, not our server nor your browser, and it was cured when the trunk internet traffic folks sorted out their problem.