I read somewhere that masks need ony be worn when on 'Hub' ie interchange and main stations.
Obviously common sense will prevail with individuals making decisions based on their own perceived risks of the actual situation bearing in mind the increasingly high percentage of the population having been inoculated.
I wasn't aware that the rules had changed - however, I have just found - dated 9th April 2021 from
National Rail:
Face coverings are mandatory on board the train and in all enclosed areas of railway stations, from when you enter a station, throughout your journey and exiting the station at the other end. If you are then moving onto the bus, tram or tube, you should avoid taking off your face covering while interchanging and avoid touching your face or mouth unnecessarily.
And indeed it makes sense.
To my mind, caution still required. Current average death rate in the
UK▸ is 11 per day, compared to around 100 premature deaths per day caused by dirty air (yes, really, 40,000 per annum reported; stroke, heart disease, lung cancer and chronic respiratory diseases quoted). Big difference is the transmission - passed from person to person with covid, no such transmission on "dirty air". Complicated for the better by the vaccination program, but we have twice seen now infection rates can take off, and do not want it again!