A week later, we have had eleven useful replies in our "how stuff works" area - at
http://www.passenger.chat/25075 - thank you to everyone who's posted there. And we promoted "Modern Day Slave" (MDS) to a transport scholar so that (s)he could read and respond there. Rather sadly, no follow up from MDS and forum logs tell me that (s)he hasn't been logged in, which would be necessary to view what's been written outside the public realm. It is, of course, possible that 'partner' is a member and transport scholar here and
has read the thread and responses. Flagging it up here in public as it would be nice to know if the inputs were useful to the enquirer, and also to thank (from an admin viewpoint) everyone who's spend their time contributing. Even if the original poster has gone away, the responses form a useful resource for the future on this important topic which we can refer people to, just as certain other of such topics do.