Circular email - also here for reference (I have started a new thread to give me a clean URL / link). Note - newcomers welcome - very welcome. A lot going on but we'll be making a point of doing overviews and intros!
Hi, Folks - Both Option 24/7 (right across Wilsthire, buses) and Melksham Rail User Group members / interested parties.
Please find (below) joining details and running orders for
- Option 24/7 - Bus Back Better - this evening (26th) on Zoom at 19:30
- Melksham Rail User Group - tomorrow (27th) also on Zoom at 19:30.
All welcome and please share this email.The last three months have been life-changing personally for many key players, and the changes and development plans in the transport field have been dramatic too. In a way, these changes and developments follow on from 2020, but in a way they are even more dramatic. I should have had meeting details out much earlier, my apologies for not doing so. We WILL be taking notes both evenings and give us a good way forward for the summer and beyond (surely we can't have the same storm of new things being thrown at us?) but would still REALLY appreciate you coming along if you can.
Graham Ellis -
graham@wellho.net01225 708225 or 0797 4 925 928
48, Spa Road, Melksham, SN12 7NY
* Well House Consultants Ltd
* Webmaster at Coffee Shop forum
* Melksham Town Councillor for South Ward
* Vice Chair Melksham Rail User Group
*** Option 24/7 - Wednesday 26th May 2021, via Zoom
* Introduction for newcomers
- Who's who
- Welcome to newcomers
- BBB in a nutshell
* Where are we now
- Wiltshire after local government elections
- BSIP guidance and thoughts
* Where do we go forward
- June and October Deadlines
- Planning an Option 24/7 service
- Informing via Priority for People
Chair - Peter Blackburn
Technical expert - Lee Fletcher
Presenter and liaison - Graham Ellis
Topic: Option 24/7
Time: May 26, 2021 07:30 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting ID: 814 9064 8028
Passcode: 782370
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+44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom
Meeting ID: 814 9064 8028
Passcode: 782370
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*** Melksham Rail User Group - Thursday 27th May 2021, via Zoom
* Introduction for newcomers
- Who's who
- Welcome to newcomers
* Minutes from last year
* Apologies for absence
AGM▸ * Brief review of what's been going on - GrahamE
* Proposal to become Melksham TRANSPORT User Group
- Updated mission based on Sustainable Transport hierarcy
- Activity levels in each transport type based on need
- Retain free membership,
CRN‡ membership, Station Adoption
- Add Community BUS activity, timetable, stop adoption, etc
* Call for chair, minute secratary, admin secretary, vice chair, treasurer
- Roles melding to fit strengths and comfortable availablily
- Add/co-opt "caucus" (Council reps, CATG rep, TransWilts Rep, etc)
General Meeting
* Rail and Transport Industry
- Coronavirus transport recovery
- Great British Railways / Williams-Shapps
- Traffic report - Weymouth direct, reliability,
IET▸ issues, Booking issues
- Bus Back Better
- TransWilts report
- Neighbourhood plan, Local area plan, road building plan
GWR▸ ,
WWRUG» , RailFuture,
FoSBR» etc
* Summer and beyond plans
- Timetables, station adoption and leaflets
- Bus Back Better
- Priority for People - research and implementation
- Trips
- Websites and data feeds
- Making cycling, walking, climate contacts
- CRN summer prompotion and awards
* Date of next meetings - Caucus, General, AGM ’22
Graham Ellis is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Time: May 27, 2021 07:30 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting ID: 864 1298 4476
Passcode: 782820
One tap mobile
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+44 208 080 6591 United Kingdom
+44 208 080 6592 United Kingdom
+44 330 088 5830 United Kingdom
Meeting ID: 864 1298 4476
Passcode: 782820
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