A poll to ask whether you have run polls here on the Coffee Shop. Of course, I could look through the logs and find out who has done so, but I want to ask the rest of you why there are so few, and to share with you my personal thoughts which I have just listed down into some sort of order. The outcome of the poll may help the team here unlock some doors if indeed it turns out that people want to post polls but have been put off for some reason.
Polls on the Great Western Coffee Shop - my personal checklistBefore you start1. Be very clear on the question
2. Avoid a loaded question
3. Make sure the thread topic fits well with the question
Setting up the poll4. Make sure that the answers offered fit the question
5. Make sure you provide all the answers people might want to give and in logical order
6. If you are asking for one vote, make sure that potential answers do not overlap
7. Do you need a "none of the above" or "other" option?
8. How many votes do you need to allow people?
9. When is the closing date?
Background information10. How are you motivating people to answer
11. Tell people WHY you are doing the survey
12. Explain the background to the poll and give people links they can read up on
Launch and early participation13. Do not tell people what you want/expect/hope for as an outcome
14. Do not tell people how you yourself will vote at the start
15. Invite people to vote
During the poll16. Follow up during the period the poll is open (not revealing the outcome so far!)
17. Never (well - hardly ever) reset counter or change options while the poll is open
18. Don't close the poll early, nor extend its running time
After the poll is over19. Summarise promptly when the poll is closed
20. Thank people for voting and their inputs
21. Come back at a later date and say what you have done with the data
All just personal thoughts. Please feel free to ask questions / for detail on any of the above - I am happy to write them up but really it's a common sense check list (at least it's all common sense once pointed out!)
Please take a look and feel free with this poll to comment / judge me against my own guidelines

and I know that someone will add "keep it positive" which all those "no because" options fail to do!