Will they put separate "Reading South 1949-1961, Reading Southern 1961-1965", on a malachite green background on Platforms 4 to 6?
I hope not, because I think it would be misleading. As it was a physically separate site, and none of P4-P6 are on the footprint of the former Southern Station. I reckon the demolished station and platforms were quite a bit further away than people remember.
Perhaps they should put the label on a bus stop...

Obviously that depends on what you think ... but it was pretty much where Brunel Plaza is. Before platforms 4a and 4b were built there was room for a couple of sidings, then Reading Southern, then a couple more sidings and an embankment down to Blagrave Road (now Forbury Road). The station had to be at about the same height as now, since the bridge over Vastern Road could hardly be much lower than today's.
Reading Museum has quite a few pictures; obviously what you get depends on what you search for, somewhat arbitrarily. This example is relevant, and does come up in a search for "Reading Southern", but there are more that don't. Plus there are views
in disused-stations, and
on readingpast.