I was struck by this item about reinstating passenger services to a short, 9 mile branch line in Germany. The thing that stood out was the cost, Eur12.9m, including 6 station reopenings. The service closed in 1977, so I would assume that if nothing else the station infrastructure will need a fair amount of work after 40 years.
Now I don't know anything else about the line, but it seems remarkably cheap in comparison with costs to do anything here in the UK▸ . I doubt we would get a scheme to shovel ready without incurring that order of spend, let alone completing it (slight exageration, but you get the drift).
That's a very interesting question.
* Has the line been open to freight traffic, or is major re-instatement needed?
* What is the track standard needed?
* Are you looking at a low level / tramway style platforms?
* Do you have planning issue costs?
* Who will be doing the work?
UK comparisons.
* I was reading that £20 million had been spent on "MetroWest Phase I" so far. (Have I got that right? - Sounds high - that's Portishead plus what?)
* I was also looking at the costs of heritage lines re-opening - found
http://www.bluebell-railway.co.uk/bluebell/extend.html which include:
Nicholas Owen narrates this official Bluebell video, recording the completion of our Northern Extension Project which has taken 39 years and cost about £11 Million, almost all raised by and from the Bluebell's membership and the public.
Neither are close comparisons, I fear ... more discussion starters.