I live in Melksham ... if I work in (example) Clifton Down on a regular 9 to 5 Monday to Friday shift, I'll pay
£12.30 for my return ticket. If I work a shift later in the day, I'll pay
£10.20. But if I work overnight I'll probably pay
£21.50 ... that's an off peak single to work in the evening, and an anytime single back the next morning.
2019 prices, without railcard.
The BBC» Nearly one in three overnight workers are aged over 50, according to analysis by one of the UK▸ 's largest unions.
Over-50s account for about 924,000 of a record 3.2 million people who regularly work through the night, the Trades Union Congress (TUC) says.
It wants better protection for night workers' health and wellbeing, saying the government does not do enough.
The government said it was proposing new rights for flexible workers, including those who work night shifts.
Jobs most likely to involve night work include care work, nursing, road transport and security, the TUC said.
The union has called for greater protection for those workers, saying that the hours can have a damaging effect on family life, as well as physical and mental health.
According to its analysis, the number of people regularly working night shifts is at its highest level since current official records began in 2005.