<this page blank>
(double posted due to connection failure or similar - and there's no way of deleting a post that I can see)
I'll split this off into "help and assistance" in a few minutes ...
You're right, twice over, Bmblbzzz ...
* there was some sort of server connection failure just under an hour ago, which I believe I have now fixed - and when these things happen during posting, here is a tendency for posts to get onto the database (so everyone can see them) but then the server declares itself broken to the poster so that (s)he thinks the post failed ....
* "Delete Post" isn't an option open to regular members. If you want to delete a post, edit the content (exactly as you have done) to say "post deleted" and an admin or moderator will do the job. Our current forum software is such that the ability to delete posts is - if you like to describe it this way - part of a bundle of facilities through which significant damage to our archives could be done very quickly, and the moderator / admin team has limited the risk by restricting the facility and all (of us) being bl**dy careful when we delete anything!