Just back from the AGM▸ , well actually an hour ago but jolly interesting it was. It was also good to finally meet two of the Coffee Shop luminaries!
A worthwhile evening - a good chance to network, great to pick up on Bristol area updates, and an excellent overview of Cardiff and its transport issues and plans from Prof. Stuart Cole. I would love to see a similar presentation for Bristol as it might be given in Cardiff.
A changed personal decision; rather than going along as an occasional guest, last night I "signed up" and joined
FoSBR» as a member. Bristol is quite a journey from my home in Melksham, and previously it's been the "next community area across". However, public transport responsibility moves from Bristol / BaNES / South Gloucestershire to
WECA» in about six weeks. Melksham very much has a 'travel to work', 'travel to study', 'travel to leisure' and 'travel to hospital' link to Bath, and rather less to Bristol - but the whole transport responsibility now falls into the same big WECA pond, with a shared responsibility (with Wiltshire) on cross border services.
I attend meetings - a lot of meetings ... and I would also like to record a "five star" rating to the setup / organisation / running of last night. And I don't give five stars casually.