Review of the
IETs▸ from a regular traveller ... long article on
Business TravellerI am sitting on a GWR▸ Azuma▸ train from Bath to Paddington in Standard Class as I type this. The Azuma trains came into service in December 2017 and as far as I know, GWR are the only operator though I understand that LNER» will also operate it. In that time, I have not seen any reviews of the train and so I thought I would fill that gap with a review of my experiences over the last year or so. Where relevant, I will compare and contrast with the HST▸ 125 trains that most of us will be familiar with.
Much of the comment is what we've seen on the Coffee Shop before (and perhaps I should point out our presence to the author as he says "I have not seen any reviews of the train") but it does add some angles and perspectives ...