These sort of statements can really rile those who actually live in Bristol and have to deal with the daily realities of our "transport system" rather than just go on a prearranged/staged publicity tour bearing no comparison to the travails of the usual commuter.
If our transport system is as good Ms Ghani claims, how does she resolve this with Bristol's long recognized congestion problems?
Britain's relatively high bus usage figures are easily explained by the paucity of rail based alternatives and where they do exist the take up and growth has been far more than Metrobust.
Which brings me to Me Ghani's claims for Metrobust. Most services I've seen have been far from full. No actual figures where given and no definition was offered of what "high" passenger numbers actually meant. Anyone can claim high passenger uptake if you set your expectations low enough.
A short look at other social media shows that it has riled the locals. Anger was initially directed towards the Minister, but it has now dawned on many that she was conned by the Western Super Mayor.
What she saw would have looked good, especially as it was done on a Saturday morning. The ride along the shortest guided busway in the know universe with its premium view of the suspension bridge is impressive. It becomes less so if you are one of the unfortunate people whose journey has been lengthened considerably by the withdrawal of the previous service, or who has to drag luggage in the rain to Temple Meads from the "nearby" stop in the rain, or who is pelted with rocks on the isolated section. Similarly, the ride on the Platinum route to UWE looks good when the last of the students got home from town on the 4am bus, and are now sleeping off the effects in preparation for another night out, but less so when you are trying to get to work from the Begbrook stop, watching full buses sweep past you without stopping. Or, for that matter, when you are First West of England supremo James Freeman and tell the inconvenient truth that the trip from Emersons Green to town is supposed to take 34 minutes, but actually takes an hour and a half.
I might drop her a line.