Yes I enjoyed the Spanish program too. Maybe the disused station at Canfranc should be disassembled and rebuilt alongside the long platform at Gloucester to improve the facilities there. I think it's so long there would still be some of it left over for another deserving station somewhere.
It's also recently been shown on the Abandoned Engineering programme on Yesterday. It has been shown several times already and will be shown again on Monday at 11am and 5pm.
DOCUMENTARY: Abandoned Engineering
On: Yesterday (19)
Date: Monday 21st January 2019 (starting in 5 days)
Time: 11:00 to 12:00 (1 hour long)
The Abandoned Nazi Railway.
The Canfranc Railway Station is a large and elaborate abandoned Nazi railway station in the Spanish Pyrenees. Why was it built?
(Widescreen, Subtitles, Audio Described, Series 2, Episode 5)
Marked By: 'Category: Documentary' marker
Excerpt taken from DigiGuide - the world's best TV guide available from (c) GipsyMedia Limited.