Mask wearing on trains has slipped. Rather as I guessed, wearing has moved from nearly everyone obeying the rules to - under an optional system - everyone following the advice reasonaby well at first. But this has decayed so that by yesterday perhaps less that half of people were wearing masks with, personal observation, a bias towards older rather than younger people wearing them. No joy for me in having predicted this ... and it's putting others off.
Arriving into Westbury, our train from Swindon was to continue to Weymouth, and as the doors opened, crowds were waiting to get on. A very real fear - from a gent at the front by the door as he got off - to push though - "please stand back" he shouted, but little headed I'm afraid as new passengers were impatient to board.

Onward via Warminster, our 3 car train (Cardiff - Portsmouth hourly) was "full" and standing. There were a couple of seats free in the middle of blocks of three, but people choosing to stand. No-one seemed to mind the call as Dilton Marsh; I can't give you any passenger numbers for there, but it would see to be sensible until there's a regular 2nd train every hours south of Westbury for the current regular hourly service to call.
A lot of people off at Warminster - for Bus Running Day to Imber (from the train, saw a Boris Bus, a Routemaster and an open top routemaster in the station front area. But far from everyone off - train was still well over half full and continued as such to Southampton. Good to see so may people around but I thought one of the points of switching to Turbos was that they could routinely be five carriages?
Arrival into Southampton at very slightly after 11 a.m. - for a 1 p.m. terminal arrival, so a
quick slow lunch in Subway before getting a taxi to the Ocean Terminal.