Which campaigns have inspired you or made you proud?
At SMK, we want to make sure that this year's Awards celebrate the very best and most worthy winners but we can't do this without you, so please keep those nominations coming.
How does the nomination process work?
You can nominate yourself or someone else. You can nominate a big, national campaign or a small, local one.
What they will all have in common is the determination to secure a specific change that will make things better - whether for an individual, a local neighbourhood, or for every single one of us.
We've made the process as straight forward as possible via an online form. The deadline is 4 February.
To give yourself the best possible chance, please answer all questions and add weblinks to any supporting evidence or materials.
The judging panel will make their decision based on the information you provide.
With your help, we can make sure that this year's Awards are the best yet.
Deadline to nominate is not far away - 4 February 2022. Judging will take place at the end of March. Please get nominating.
It's important to celebrate the hard work and achievements of campaigns and campaigners, and I'm sharing here with members the call for National Campaigner Award nominations for 2022 from SMK - the Shiela McKechnie foundation. I honoured to attend the award ceremony five years ago, and in the "transport sector" met with other campaigners such as those involved with looking to temper plans for a Stonehenge bypass, and to improve the lot of commuters on the Brighton line (if you think we had problems ...). Not only do these awards help motivate campaigners working at the heart of the community, but they also provide welcome publicity for their campaigns, and a beacon to help persuade others who often feel they are fighting an uphill battle to carry on.
Are there any campaigners across our area who you (dear forum member) think should be nomimated? I am aware of members doing great things for rail passengers in Devon, and for bus users in Wiltshire and Somerset who are worthy, perhaps, of more recognition than they have had. Nomination form is at
((here)), deadline is 4th February.
* Best Use of the Law: campaigns that have successfully used the law to drive change
* Best Consumer Campaign: campaigns that successfully challenge unfair consumer practice
* Best Coalition or Collaboration: campaigns led by multiple partners
* Amplifying Voices: campaigns led by, in partnership with, or that amplify voices of groups least heard.
* Best Community Campaign: campaigns that have secured lasting change for a local community.
* David & Goliath: small campaigns that take on much bigger organisations
* Young Campaigner Award: campaigns led by young people aged 18 to 25
* Campaigner of the Year: the outstanding campaigner of the past year
* Campaign of the Year: the outstanding campaign of the past year
You'll note that it's all "campaign" and not protest. A good campaigner will become a partner of the organisation(s) with whom they are engaging, and a good organisation will appreciae such partners who bring a fresh view and a different perspective to what is often a very complex set of decisions with consequnces far beyond the campaign. SMK also offer a range of courses for campaigners - I treated myself to one of these a while back and found it motivating and confirmatory as well as helping me think and expand in new positive directions.
Disclaimer - this looks a bit like an advert, but I do not get any form of commission for marketing entries or courses ...