I'm travelling through Heysham to the Isle of Man next month and could take photos of the nuclear installations there, however I suspect the answer to a permission request is a flat 'no'. Fine, I'll respect that. Taking photographs is not a human right as some here seem to suggest.
Sorry again Mac, but taking photographs
IS a right. You are letting yourself be "bullied" into submission by a "law" that doesn't exist - but that the police and Government would like to exist, but they know that they could never get such a Bill through Parliament - "stealth taxes" and now "stealth laws" !
First it's power staions/oil refineries, already we have the police trying to stop people photographing filming the police when they misbehave - of course soon you won't be allowed to take photos of
MPs▸ , or their duckhouses or moats.
You have every right to photograph Heysham nuclear power station - exercise that right ! or lose it ! Don't let anyone try and stop you - the Daily Mail would undoubtedly take up your case

You say there isn't a law to prevent photography of security sensitive sites. Fair enough. But equally where is there a law that states '....taking photographs
IS a right'? I merely suggest that, for an easy life, ask permission first. If the answer is 'no' then grumble by all means but respect that decision. As for taking photos of individuals, (be they MPs or just normal people!) a polite request is always best. I speak as a private citizen, paparazzi are a law unto themselves.