ORR» analysis looking at stations (in / near Wiltshire) by ticket type.
Percentage reduce rate
Percentage full rate
Percentage season ticket
Three letter code
Number full rate
Number reduced rate
Number season ticket journeys
Total number
Stations name
24.56 41.84 33.60 DMH» 7586 4454 6092 18132 Dilton Marsh
38.71 38.42 22.87 TRO» 377954 380796 224954 983704 Trowbridge
39.54 40.19 20.27 MKM» 30008 29522 15136 74666 Melksham
43.26 38.22 18.53 BOA 207610 234984 100652 543246 Bradford-On-Avon
46.22 45.95 7.83 AVF 9656 9714 1646 21016 Avoncliff
46.27 31.08 22.65 DEN 7838 11670 5712 25220 Dean
47.95 18.64 33.41 PEW 44536 114544 79824 238904 Pewsey
50.79 20.31 28.90 CPM» 393834 984640 560218 1938692 Chippenham
51.53 31.97 16.50 WSB» 184852 298004 95400 578256 Westbury
51.86 32.25 15.89 WMN» 124116 199564 61166 384846 Warminster
53.23 19.88 26.88 TIS‡ 47620 127478 64382 239480 Tisbury
53.82 22.27 23.91 SAL 462374 1117226 496266 2075866 Salisbury
54.06 18.28 27.66 SWI» 672600 1988908 1017734 3679242 Swindon
55.77 34.93 9.29 FRO» 65528 104630 17436 187594 Frome
60.53 11.46 28.00 BDW 13816 72964 33754 120534 Bedwyn
So Dilton Marsh has the LOWEST reduced rate sales (as a percentage) and Bedwyn the HIGHEST.