I noted this old topic being viewed in my logs - and this post struck me as worth "bumping" and asking "where are we now?"
If I thought the company was useless, I would happily say so. I've worked for two other TOCs▸ in my time on the railway and I know people aren't going to believe it when I say so, but FGW▸ have honestly got there heads screwed on, it's just a shame they haven't got a reliable infrastructure to run and the full support of the DfT» .
The other TOCs I worked for were happy to sit back and just run the franchise meeting the bare minimum requirements set down by the DfT, the only effort they made was to continually cut costs. We watched as the good parts of the service were slowly axed, the state of the trains declined and morale plummeted.
I've had former colleagues travel down to visit and they'll tell you my former TOC and FGW are worlds apart.
Once again, if I thought the company was rubbish I'd happily tell you exactly the reasons why. The only criticsim I have of FGW is that they could sometimes do with listening to suggestions from staff on the frontline a bit more when it comes to service disruption.
I'll start - actually, I don't think they're useless / rubbish - but they have allowed themselves to slip back recently, and at a time when external issues such as delayed electrification and so delayed cascades, coupled with new contracts meaning that trains have to be cascaded out, this slippage is noticed two times over.
Living and using a station that's been the fastest growing in England (percentage wise over the last 4 years) but has suffered (I believe) the highest cancellation rate of any
GWR▸ station over recent months, the slippage is noticed here 3 times over.