Written for the TransWilts, where passenger numbers can be in excess of seats at certain times on any day of the week ...Sometimes, the TransWilts train gets a little bit busy. And that means that some people may have to stand on peak trains - especially between Chippenham and Melksham (which takes all of 9 minutes!)
If you are well able to stand and see someone who's obviously not, please offer them your seat. Even if you are in a regular seat, and especially if you are in a priority one.
But sometimes it's not obvious when someone cannot stand - and it's rather awkward for such people to ask for a seat; if someone does ask you, please be considerate as it's pretty unlikely that they'll be asking out of cheeky selfishness.
Great Western can provide a priority seating card ( application form together with details at
http://atrebatia.info/gwr_priority_seating.pdf ) . If someone shows you such a card and you're able to help them out with the seat you're in ... THANK YOU ;-). It's probably difficult and embarrassing enough for them to have to ask in the first place.
Comments prior to Facebook publication welcome. Trying to appeal to people's good nature and not to preach ...