Agreed strategy is to look to channeling the enthusiasm raised into existing projects rather than starting off new ones of questionable practicality. Steamdreams schedule steam trains to call at Melksham occasionally (and some have actually run as planned
) ... Steam Museum and the Didcot Railway Centre are both easily reached, and through tickets are already available to Steam ... the Swindon and Cricklade railway could do with some more help / volunteers / wants to push towards Swindon ... at Melksham, we're planning a community cafe that will need staffing and volunteer support. It would be a dilution at the cost of all these others to start something that would need
Space for Depot
Safe access to said Depot
Rail and signal interface with Network Rail
Supply of good steam locomotives
Supply of coal and water and other depot facilities
Supply of maintenance volunteers
Supply of Carriages and parking space
Supply of qualified drivers and firemen
Supply / manufacture of spares
Attracting enough customers and enough general volunteers
Ongoing supplies (stock and human) as worn out equipment becomes life expired
Lack of paths on single line, and for sloe trains on fast main line
Lack of turning point capacity at the other end
Interfacing capability with main line - mix in at end junctions(s) and beyond to turning station
Quality trains needed if mixing on main line
Robust coaches without slam door or dump toilets needed
Customer facing space even at new station for special events
Customer safety issues with high speed trains around tourists
Financing the above and making it an effective business
Getting buy-in from National Rail and other rail bodies
I don't see the proposals as written in the paper being able to be more than a dream. The author of the dream has a history of being very much an ideas person rather than a detailed implementor - let's see if we can redirect any enthusiasm to implementation onto the more solid and immediate projects which we know are practical.