Due to confusion between rail industry internal names for stations and the real names of stations, stations with just 3 letters in their name will be renamed from 1st April 2017.
Wem will become Wamm (the olde English name of the town), Ely will become Ely Hill (Shippea Hill becoming just Shippea at the same date as there's no hill there), Lye will become Phibbs, Ash will become Burnt, Ayr will become Polluted, IBM will become International Business Machines, Par will become Partimid (to avoid confusion with Parbold), Lee will become Fletcherville, Wye will become Whyre, Rye will become Barley and Ore will become Metal.
Edit note: I've now spaced grahame's original text from the many subsequent 'likes' - simply for clarity. CfN.