From the
Western Telegraph:
Charity walker Clive's fundraising boost for Tenby SurgeryClive Lewis presents his cheque for the blood pressure monitor to Tenby Surgery practice manager Helen Roberts (centre) and health care assistant Sandra JonesCharity walker Clive Lewis has pounded the pavements of London to raise ^1,300 for an important piece of equipment for Tenby Surgery.Over the years, Clive, of New Hedges, has raised many thousands of pounds to fund life-saving machines and equipment for Pembrokeshire^s NHS hospitals and clinics.
His latest charity challenge saw him undertake a four-day walk of London, from Islington in the north to Wimbledon in the south, and then from east to west, walking from Richmond and Twickenham to the Thames flood barrier on the South Bank paths of the Thames.
He also covered the Jubilee and Green Way walks in the capital city.
Clive said, ^I would like to offer a big thank you to First Great Western Trains for yet again sponsoring rail tickets to get me up to London and of course, many, many thanks to all the families and individuals for their generous sponsorship and who make these ventures possible. The main point of this event was to raise funds for a Welch Allyn 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure monitor plus the software for the Tenby clinic which has been a priority for practice manager Helen Roberts and her dedicated team at Tenby Surgery. ^
This is the 23rd phase of Clive^s fundraising and he is now planning another walk which will take place in Wales later this year.
Well done, Clive, and thanks to Great Western Railway for the rail tickets.