I few months ago, in an aberrent moment, I started filling out an online questionnaire from a political party. This purported to be their way of finding out what people like, well, me, think. Imagine my surprise when it turned out that they did not, in fact, give a flying **** what I thought, but rather they were attempting to persuade me to vote for them. Hey ho; we live and learn.
I just received my invitation to comment on the West of England Joint Transport Study (see
https://www.jointplanningwofe.org.uk/consult.ti/JTSissues2015/consultationHome) purporting to want to know what I think about how transport should develop in the next few years in what, call me old-fashioned, I will continue to describe as Greater Bristol. I do have views on this subject (I really do!), but I won't be responding because I have this creeping sense that any answers I may give will be twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools. Your cynicism may vary.
However, aside from a number of questions whose answers could easily be taken to mean 'I think they should build more places like Bradley Stoke, but this time with bigger roads and car parks', here are a couple of highlights:
* Extended MetroBus network - Build on our emerging Bus Rapid Transit network with more MetroBus routes, potentially including new routes to eastern Bristol, orbital connections, and extensions to North Somerset towns.
* Extend MetroWest - Further improvements to the MetroWest rail concept which could improve the Henbury line, new rail line re-openings, and more capacity between Bristol and Bath and to South Wales. Issues: Would include significant time and cost required to make improvements to rail infrastructure. (Oh well, let's not bother then - Ed)
* MetroWest ++ - This would be a significant and ambitious upgrade to the local rail network which could make it more akin to a metro or 'tram-train' network, and may include new and re-opened routes along with wholesale electrification. Issues: The time required to make improvements to rail infrastructure. Such ambition may be unaffordable.
The phrase 'Such ambition may be unaffordable' made me feel physically sick.
I hear they're putting up new signs on the outskirts of WoE (how appropriately-named): Welcome to the West of England:
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