Despite what the article suggests, this Hansford review was not about reducing cost otherwise being more efficient. This is Appendix 4 from his report - the terms of reference:
Professor Peter Hansford (the Review Chairman) of University College London has been commissioned by the Board of Network Rail to undertake an independent review of contestability in the UK▸ rail market to make recommendations on encouraging third party capital investment and infrastructure delivery on the national railway (Review).
Assumptions and issues
1. The overwhelming majority of new rail infrastructure on the national rail network is delivered and financed by Network Rail.
2. There is limited innovation within the UK Rail Industry when compared to other industries and most new technology is introduced through programmes led by Network Rail or other statutory bodies such as Rail Safety Standard Board.
3. For the rail network to grow and meet the exciting challenges of the future, more needs to be done to:
a) attract new funding and financing to the industry;
b) create a framework that encourages and allows new infrastructure to be developed and built by investors and parties outside Network Rail’s direct control; and
c) agree a contracting strategy with appropriate governance, controls and risk allocation which attracts market investment and generates an appetite for third parties to deliver rail infrastructure. 4. Network Rail has previously been criticised for not doing enough, despite its license obligations, to facilitate and support new investment and technology on the rail network.
Terms of reference
1. To develop and produce recommendations on encouraging third party capital investment in and infrastructure delivery on the national railway, including giving consideration to and investigating the assumptions and issues outlined in these terms of reference.
2. To consider barriers to funding and financing, clienting/ sponsorship, project delivery, asset protection, and maintenance/operation.
3. The Review will be carried out by the Review Chairman acting independently of Network Rail.
4. The output of the Review will be in the form of a report to be presented to the Network Rail Board on 24 May 2017, with an expectation that the report is circulated subsequently beyond Network Rail.
5. It is expected that the report will be made publicly available in June 2017 together with Network Rail’s response.
6. Information provided to the Review by consultees will not be provided, made available or be accessible to Network Rail.
I guess "contestability" is this year's big management-theory buzzword. It is conceivable that you don't agree with the assumptions, in which case the recommendations are not going to make a lot of sense either.
The membership of the review panel might tell you something about what they were looking for, and so might find, too:
Professor Peter Hansford FREng, University College London (Panel Chair)
Mike Gerrard, Independent
Alistair Gordon, CEO▸ , Keolis UK
Daniel Hanson, Director, PwC
Zara Lamont OBE, Performance Improvement Director, Carillion
Andy Milner, CEO, Amey
John Smith, Managing Director, GB▸ Railfreight
Matthew Symes, Partner, Concerto
He starts by referring to the several other reports of "experts" peering into
NR» 's management entrails looking for twisted bits to sort out. This is a list of them (links in the report, but not copiable from the PDF.)
List of references:
RDG‡ Report (March 2017) – Bringing more private delivery and/or investment into the rail industry
ORR» Report (August 2016) – Annual efficiency and financial assessment of Network Rail 2015–16
Shaw Report (March 2016) – The future shape and financing of Network Rail
MoU between
DfT» and Network Rail (March 2016) – Improving the delivery of railway investments
Hendy Review (January 2016) – Re-planning Network Rail’s investment programme
Bowe Review (November 2015) – The planning of Network Rail’s enhancements programme 2014 to 2019
McNulty Report (May 2011) – Realising the potential of GB Rail
The Hansford report itself is not,
AFAICS▸ , on NR's web site (but how would you know, in its current state?). It has its own domain at