On Wed got the earlier 0938 to Stranraer, again, a pretty good 156/8 (I've forgotten already!). I was surprised by the number of manned block posts south of Girvan, but maybe there is freight traffic which justifies this. A very scenic route which is worth doing.
I've never been to Stranraer, but I think the stock used currently is class 156s.
I'm on the 0900 Stena to Fishguard tomorrow. I'm expecting the 1329 from Fishguard to be an awful 150.
Last time I asked (on this forum or RailUK), I was told the booked stock is a class 158, but I think that was several timetable changes ago and even then the diagram seemed to be bottom of the pile and first to end up with a 150 vice 158 (understandably since most
ATW▸ 158 diagrams involve the Cambrian line which cannot be worked by anything else). On the plus side, the previous service on the diagram doesn't seem to have changed in the new timetable, so maybe the diagram hasn't changed meaning you at least have a chance at getting a decent unit. A few years back it was booked for a 150, which was a disgraceful suituation if you ask me.