« on: December 21, 2014, 19:37:16 » |
I have a semi-regular journey on Sunday evenings from deepest darkest Somerset to my home in North-West Bristol. It's one of those rare beasts where I can almost do an integrated bus/train/train/bus journey from origin to destination. And on a Sunday afternoon/evening to boot.
Sadly, it's nearly always let down by the last leg. Wessex Bristol 502 bus from Shirehampton Green to Lawrence Weston. Not let down because of delays or cancellations (although there have been a couple of those), but by the service not departing from it's origin on time despite being ready to do so. Instead, let down because the drivers always depart around 8-10 minutes later than scheduled from the first stop, Shirehampton Green.
I asked tonight's driver why this is done. I was told that because Sunday evenings are quiet they wait time at the start in one big chunk rather than stop to wait time several times en route. By journeys end the service arrives on time. I said that for me, at least I know there is a service because I'm at the first stop, but what about the poor sods at later stops, which may not have live running or a shelter. They may think the bus isn't coming and they'll certainly not be happy it's running 10 minutes late. Why, I asked, don't you wait time when needed en route?
The driver's answer? He said that he's told by his bosses to wait beyond the departure time of the first stop because then he needn't start up the engine and this will save fuel!!! If he waits time en route he has to keep the engine running.
So, rather than address the slack timetable or wait time en route to keep to scheduled departure times at all stops, Wessex Bristol's priority is their fuel bill and not the passengers. I was just a little miffed to learn this and find it somewhat of a poor show.
Yes, I appreciate in the great scheme of things that a 10 minute delay is small beer compared to some of the horrendous delays we hear about (Thames Valley commuters, my sympathy remains with you), but when it is being done deliberately for the operators benefit ahead of the passenger, that sucks.
I'd like to canvas opinion as to whether this deliberate late running is, if the driver's reasons are company policy, worthy of bringing to the attention of the Traffic Commissioners.