I'm going to ... share ... some thoughts that have come my way in the past nine years, triggered by exchanges such as these.
... the specification was dreamed up by civil servants with no idea how to run a railway and apparently with ...
Slightly unfair on the civil servants involved. There will be many at DafT with sound technical and engineering knowledge ...
Whilst there are, indeed, occasions when public servants frustrate (my examples already available on this forum, but not in this post!), the majority of the time they're very knowledgable indeed about what they're doing, but taking a wide view, applying policy and rules which they may at times not agree with. The excellent ones will help and advise why the policy / rules are as they are, and will look at the positive objectives of (for example) our group in Wiltshire and suggest ways forward towards meeting those objectives which fit their rules and objectives too. And some of them will go over and above what you might expect to do so.
Civil servants have to be accountable for all the actions they take, and to be seen to be applying the policy of their political masters and creating a level playing field (with 'level' as defined by those political masters) at all times.
I'm trying - very hard - to avoid specifics here, as we have no right to expect anything more than "doing my job to the letter" from any of these people. But a little "going beyond" is quite common, and there are a handful who go way beyond who deserve huge thanks. The comments, by the way, apply not only to central government but also to local government, to train operators and to the infrastructure company.
By all means, let's point out stupidities or things which we consider stupid. And let's take forward systemic failures and see if things can be done that are better. Where there's a significant failure in how things are applied, yes that needs to be dealt with too. Yet let's remember that we can achieve so much by working together as well, even if we agree to differ at times.
Finishing this post with a "Thank you" to all the public servants who help provide a positive, cost effective rail service that's fit for the purpose of getting people around in a safe, sustainable, happy and well priced way.