While a big improvement, and not quite as bad as Haverfordwest's revamped toilets (which have stainless steel toilet bowls), Cardiff Central's new loos are a disapointment (no toilet seats).
Presumably a design chosen to minimise the chances of, or impact of, vandalism?
Presumably that is indeed the reason, but rather a sorry state of affairs nonetheless.
In terms of the toilets, what Cardiff really needs in the long term is a central facility which is easier to monitor/maintain, rather than the dispersed small facilities (ty bach is a rather appropriate term!) dotted around the platforms.
That does sound like it might be sensible, I wonder what alternative uses the current toilet buildings on the platforms could be put to.
Going back to the station design, I noticed when I was having a look round that the north end of the eastern subway is much wider than the rest (the Upper Crust outlet in the main concourse extends back into that space, under the tracks). That got me thinking; could the entire space under the station from the east wall of the western subway* to the east end of the station be openned up and linked in with the new southern concourse? And does anyone have any idea how
NR» think they can extend platform 0? 50m west and you hit the pointwork leading into Canton depot, 40m east and you hit the main station building. I reckon a maximum length of 195m, a long way short of 9x26m.
* this has listed tiles advertising the platforms (including the non-existant platform 5 (as an aside, why is it not platform 4 that is missing?)) and shouldn't be damaged.