From the Rail Accident Investigation Branch
Fatal accident at Bayles and Wylies footpath crossing, Bestwood, Nottingham, 28 November 2012The
RAIB▸ is investigating the fatal accident that occurred at Bayles and Wylies footpath crossing, Bestwood, Nottingham, on Wednesday 28th November 2012. At about 19:00 hrs, a tram running from Nottingham (Station Street) to Hucknall struck and killed a 13 year old girl who was walking across the tramway from its west side.
The crossing traverses both the single-track tramway and a single-track railway running parallel to, and adjacent to, the tramway. Trams and trains run in both directions on their respective lines. The two parts of the crossing are effectively separate crossings and each part is managed separately; one part by the tramway and the other by the railway^s infrastructure manager.
The west side of the crossing over the tramway is equipped with fencing which creates a chicane for pedestrians to pass through and signage that instructs crossing users to look both ways.
The crossing is close to housing, a business park and a country park. It also carries the Robin Hood Way, a long distance footpath in Nottinghamshire.
Image of accident location at Bayles and Wylies footpath crossingThe RAIB^s investigation will identify the sequence of events that led to the accident and any factors which may have influenced the actions of the young girl (including lighting conditions and the audibility of the approaching tram). It will also examine:
- the design and operation of the crossing;
- risk management;
- the history of the crossing;
- previous accidents and near-misses;
- actions taken following the fatal accident on the railway side of the crossing in 22 November 2008.
The RAIB^s investigation is independent of any investigation by the safety authority (the Office of Railway Regulation) or the police.
The RAIB will publish a report, including any recommendations to improve safety, at the conclusion of its investigation. This report will be available on the RAIB website.