Ah, but any councillor worthy of their salt wouldn't want
mere facts to get in the way of scoring their particular point, would they ... ?
Good God, No!!
Councillors are there because no-one else fancies doing anything to improve the lot of their constituents, or for that matter, listening to anybody who takes the trouble to contact them. On another thread, we read of a lady who has so upset her democratically-elected representatives, by the simple expedient of asking questions, that they have declared her
personna non grata, and will no longer write answers to her outrageous demands. At the same time, they will bemoan the lack of any opinion from the less demented of their flock, until, as in Bristol, they come up with a crap idea to build the World's Most Expensive Bus Lane, in the face of open hostility, to show that they know what they are doing.
I apologise in advance and without reservation to those Councillors amongst you who act selflessly, even eschewing the odd junket to the twin-town where one is addressed in faultless English by the Mayor, only to address his citizens as "Urinals and Water Closets", before telling the gathered audience that "I desire the people of this country carnally". (Which happened to a Tory
MP▸ whose name eludes me, and who had looked up "Ladies and Gentlemen" in a phrase book prior to a speech where he had intended to impress his Russian audience, and to US President Jimmy Carter who had taken someone who studied classical Polish, yet still got a translating job after the Fall of Communism)