Have a look at this article.
http://www.swindonadvertiser.co.uk/news/10352917._/?It seems to me that there is a way-too-enthusiastic approach, without the necessary facilities being available for safe use of such access methods.
I should explain that my family lived in the Netherlands, so all this helmets and lycra stuff leaves me (and the Dutch) cold, and I am worried for those who 'indulge' - because at the moment, that's what we are talking about.
Swindon, our above example, has decades of car-mad transport, where many have no idea what walking or cycling along the access ways to the station involve. The majority of motorists, younger than 70, simply have no concept of the difference between their vehicles' power and those of the cyclists or pedestrians' (shank's pony).
The Bristol ex Lord Mayor, for instance, very sadly lost his son to a cycling collision on the Portway area.
In my then adopted country, people use cycles like you and I would use a car. All roads have cycleways, only streets do not, but there cycle is simply king. You don't need 'shower facilities' and all that nonsense in Dutch stations, schools and shops. People just cycle like walking. It's not 'Tour de France' there.
Until we can make available more safe routes to stations, I feel we are gratuitously condemning enthusiastic young people to very great danger.