From the First Great Western press release:
Bristol children^s hospice gets ^700 boost
Staff at First Great Western have raised over ^700 for the Children^s Hospice South West (CHSW) in Bristol.
The company decided to donate a pound to charity for every staff survey that was completed and 740 members of staff gave their views.
Steve Tyler, First Great Western General Manager for the Central Region and Chris Roscoe, a Depot Administrator, presented a cheque to the charity.
Steve said: ^This particular hospice is only one of a kind in the region and treats children, who have very serious illnesses, from many parts of the First Great Western Network. For me it is only right that we support something that provides a vital facility not only to our own staff but to all of our customers across the network.^
The charity provides support and care for families whose children are living with life-threatening conditions.
Janey Hellmen of CHSW said: ^Thank you to First Group employees for helping CHSW to continue to provide these vital services.^
Children's Hospice South West provides the only residential hospice care in the region. Charlton Farm, the only children^s hospice in Bristol, currently supports over 185 families with planned respite, emergency and palliative care; and bereavement support for the whole family both before and after a child has sadly died.
Charlton Farm is a place full of love and laughter where families can begin to forget their worries for a while, be a family again and receive the very best care for their child.
Charlton Farm is actually quite local to Nailsea: I commend their work and achievements, and encourage support for them. CfN.