Three hundred grand well spent then.

What about an every other day visit from a bird of prey and its handler. Say for a contract of ^25,000 a year? The news will soon trickle down through the pigeon community that the bridge is no longer a safe roosting/nesting place.

12 years of pigeon free problems for the same cost as the netting. No need to close half the road either.
I'll happily take our cat down there to do a bit of 'bird control' for ^25,000 a year, she's very good at it, too good as far as the household authorities are concerned. It would have the added bonus that she doesn't get to dump the gizzards on the hall floor for me to discover bare foot in the morning.
The article on the pigeons in the printed County Gazette this week talks about the netting being replaced with a mesh, so maybe they are considering something stronger to replace the netting? Cue traffics jams again while they sort it out

Time to start cycling to the station again.