I agree with I_B. Break of Journey
AIUI▸ is only if you leave the railway premises. So lets assume a Car Park is Railway Premises, you could get in your car and drive it around the car park and park again. As you haven't left railway premises, AIUI you have not broken the journey.
I think alot of the time the B-o-J rules are open to interpretation and discretion. Which then comes down to who you speak to. One member of staff might be ok with you popping across the road to a Convenience Store to buy some pain killers which IS a
BoJ▸ . Whereas the staff member covering someones lunch break for an hour might not be ok with it.
Indeed I have proved this when using
Oyster▸ . A member of Gateline Staff let me out at Earls Court without any hesitation at all because the toilet at the station was broken. He suggested McDonald's across the road, which he actually said to me in future to do anyway as the toilets there are free and considrably cleaner

Once I wandered back 5 minutes later he waved me through as nothing had happened.
As much as I would say that was excellent common sense. I guess it comes down to if I hadn't come back,
TfL» would've whacked a full fare charge onto my Oyster for a ^1.40 journey.
Whereas X-London National Rail Tickets are much more difficult to police as it could be argued I am not going to the toilet at all... And I have been accused of that one too. Sadly for this type of problem, I am not of the Female Gender, so the "I'm Pregnant" card is not one I have in my hand either.
But as Electric Train and Brucey have said. X-London journeys at West Ham and even Stratford can be a minefield of their own when faced with a BoJ conflict with staff. Because whilst a BoJ may be valid on the National Rail ticket. A member of TfL staff can reasonably argue that I cannot proceed to make a journey on London Underground Services if I Break the journey at West Ham or Stratford. But there is a fair bigger issue here with ticket validity... Because I am hardly likely to jump on the Central Line at Stratford to go to say Epping when I have a ticket in my hand for Souffend Airport