Coming along well ... can I ask EVERYONE who lives in or near Wiltshire to pass on my invite to their local passenger user group (or if you're a member, sign up to come along and speak for them
We're doing well .. getting more signups every day, speaker in place, lots of support and a powerful agenda ... BUT we want to reach more, and make sure that as few people as possible say "I wish I had known" ....
Wiltshire and Swindon Transport User group meeting - inviteDear
I'm writing to invite you to the first "Wiltshire Link" meeting of transport user groups from across Wiltshire, and from neighbouring areas who share some of our Transport facilities.
Although the meeting is headlined as 'Transport User Groups', we're also inviting, with open arms, representatives of transport providers, local authorities and special interest groups - we feel there's a very real need to discuss and learn from each other and to coordinate - to the mutual advantage of all involved including the specifiers and providers.
The current time, with improvements planned under
LSTF▸ , with the future of rail services for the next 15 years being decided, with bus operators making significant changes, and with schemes to route 300 extra lorries a day (North / South) through Wiltshire dead but probably not buried, is an ideal time to co-ordinate so that we can help plan transport fit for the future.
This meeting will be held as follows:
Date: Saturday 1st December, from 10:15 for 10:45
Venue: The Laverton, Westbury
There are further details, including information on how to get to The Laverton, on the website at there's a Facebook even page at* Please visit that page and sign up if you're interested (we would also like to know if you are interested, but can't make it!)
* Please circulate this invitation to other interested parties. One of our aims is to locate all groups and interested individuals where there is no grouping.
The meeting is being sponsored by the TransWilts Community Rail Partnership. We've taken on this potentially "pump priming" task as we've probably got wider coverage across the county (Swindon, Chippenham, Melksham, Trowbridge, Westbury, Warminster and Salisbury) than most, and we're already heavily committted to working with the local councils and industry for very real improvements - not only to train, but also to bus access, and private car and cycle access too.
As I write, around 20 groups / representatives have said they'll come, from around a dozen towns right across the county. Please add your name, and encourage others too.
I look forward to seeing you
Graham Ellis -
graham@atrebatia.infoPress and publicity, TransWilts Community Rail Partnership
CRP▸ , 48, Spa Road, Melksham, Wilts, SN12 7NY - 0845 459 0153