North of Melksham, No. Chippenham in the morning has a 'human gateline' which I myself have fallen foul of after not being able to buy a ticket when boarding at Trowbridge (Queued up for 20 minutes and an elderly lady was enquiring about tickets to Stansted in 2 months time right in the morning peak!! The worrying thing is that the staff didn't know (but have since been reeducated to the fact) that there was a train via Melksham and seemed to think I should've changed at Bath

South of Melksham, sadly it's only too easy. Trowbridge ticket office has a habit of closing at short notice due to "Staff Shortages" But south of Melksham the nearest Gateline'd station is Probably Salisbury

(Westbury has been occasionally known for a human gateline but this is rarely done)
Unfortunately also there as some trains which might as well be designated 'free trains' simply because ticket checks are never done and staff seem to want to have a social in the back cab (I'm going to get shot down for that, but it's only too common from my experience) Shockingly, recently I was told by a guard not to buy tickets for a particular train because: "No-one else does and it's not fair on you, but means I have to check everyone else's if you ask to buy one!" In some cases I can understand why they said that, because it is a train often filled with drunks who take great pleasure in getting nasty if they want to, so I guess there is an element of safety there...

It's also worth looking at the ticket prices from Frome to Chippenham which I assume are set based on the legacy of Wessex Trains Days when trains ran via Melksham more regularly. Because the Frome - Chippenham tickets are cheaper than Frome - Bath Spa. Bar 2 exceptions, you can now only get a train to Chippenham via Bath Spa
