Alison Rice seemed to be struggling with getting her points across and appeared flustered and muddled. Nervous at appearing on the TV perhaps, although that shouldn't be the case, she's been in front of cameras many times.
No big deal really, the bullet points were all correct. The subject is so complex that giving it just a few minutes was never going to do it justice. The
BBC» should give over half an hour and bring in Barry Doe as the 'expert'. Then they might just do the subject of rail tickets some service.
What she said toward the end was, "sometimes, internet booking sites, although they may charge a fee, can be cheaper than the train line sites."
Totally confused but she didn't mention
TOC▸ sites. Buying online can be cheaper from a TOC website for travel with that TOC, and that TOC website may charge a postage fee, but there won't be any other fees.
One of the biggest potential ways to save wasn't mentioned at all. Split ticketing!
Complain if you want to, Btline (why should someone do it on your behalf?), but I don't think it's worth the effort. The BBC won't broadcast any correction.
Perhaps complain to the 'expert' herself: