MadamCod a.k.a Heather here. I reside in the seaside town that has the most southern train station - so remote we don't even have barriers on to the platforms...LOL▸ (laughing out loud)! A clue - think of an operetta by Gilbert&Sullivan about Pirates, I live there.
I have been a *huge* user of the railways for many years because of not just where I live, but because I don't drive. I have seen many changes but the biggest, of course, is when the railway system was privatised and broken up in to little pieces. I miss the old B.R, it's rusty rolling stocks but of which had nice comfortable chairs which could accommodate large ladies like me and which were low enough (because I'm also quite short) for one's feet to rest on the ground. Even after privatisation, the trains still have hassles running on time, but I do understand that's not always under the control of the operators.
I do like the more modern trains but cor blimey, could they not afford a bit more leg room and have a few more tables in the carriadges! I know bums on seats are a priority but like the NHS nowadays (which I work for a Registered Nurse) the corporate thing of MONEY MAKING - which never happens because no one had a positive balance sheet in the black from the Govt. when they and the Thatcher/Major idiots before them decided the *only* way to go was to be private with disasterous results money-wise - but the shape of the seats do my back in with that lower back curve that is ever so trendy (I have to sit bolt upright)! But I yammer on.
Anyway, one thing in positive favour for FGW▸ (First Great Western) rail, I do like 'em and will be snoring my head off at about 10pm sometime in December on my way to New York, via Heathrow. I'll have a crick in my neck 'cos the cost of a sleeping birth is a bit beyond my price range, but will be confident we will make it to Paddington before 6 am and I know will give my friends in New York a good laugh when I tell 'em yet again, it takes 2 hours longer to get up to London by train overnight than it does to fly from Heathrow to JFK!! Long may FGW continue!