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1  All across the Great Western territory / Across the West / Re: Great Western Main Line electrification - ongoing discussion on: November 09, 2017, 15:52:09
Had to post this for the headline if nothing else.

From the Swindon Advertiser

Cracked toilet bowl blamed on Network Rail piling

A FED-UP Stratton Road resident has suggested Network Rail should be using less disruptive piling methods in its engineering work to upgrade the London to Bristol line.
Residents have complained for months that their sleep is being disturbed as piles are driven deep into the ground to provide a stable base for pylons needed for the electrification of the route.

Edward Browning said: “It is not necessary. I have had my toilet pan cracked and it leaked on to the floor. The flashing on the front bedroom window was shaken off at the same time as the pile driving was happening.


Well it sounds like someone is taking the p**s
2  Sideshoots - associated subjects / Heritage railways, Railtours, buses, canals, steamships and other public transport based attractions / Re: Newly restored "Flying Scotsman" back in service - ongoing discussion on: September 11, 2017, 16:28:19
It got stuck on slippery rails:
3  Journey by Journey / London to Swindon and Bristol / Re: Call for later service(s) from Bristol (and Bath) to Chippenham (and Swindon?) on: July 31, 2017, 14:44:19
There is a slightly later X31 (but run by first as it's council funded I believe) bus that leaves Bath at 23:00 for Chippenham, though obviously a lot longer journey that the train.  Gives you an extra 15 mins if your Chippenham pax, and cheaper than a taxi.
I am not looked at what other onward travel options (if any) this bus would give you upon it's arrival in Chippenham.
I've heard this bus then runs empty back to it's depot in Bath
4  All across the Great Western territory / Looking forward - the next 5, 10 and 20 years / Re: Intercity Express Programme (IEP) - ongoing discussion on: July 21, 2017, 13:49:25
Bypass schemes are counter-productive?

It kind of depends what 'sort' of bypass it is, if it's a bypass that's used predominately by through traffic then I would say no it isn't counter productive, but the trouble is a lot of bypasses are built and then in fill development is allowed so the so called bypass if used just as much by local traffic as well as the through traffic.  Chippenham springs to mind as an example of this (of which some sections are currently being dualled)- Infill housing development (with more planned) plus retail stores at every junction. 
5  All across the Great Western territory / Across the West / Re: Great Western Main Line electrification - ongoing discussion on: April 11, 2017, 16:27:13
I drove along the M4 yesterday, to somewhere I can't get to by train. There were posts up for the electric stuff on both sides of the track where the motorway crosses the railway up near Royal Wootton Bassett.

Additionally there are a number of posts up where the railway crosses the A429 road, near Hullavington, some both sides, some just one side, and there seems to be the odd gap here and there where it looks like one is missing.
6  All across the Great Western territory / Who's who on Western railways / Re: Minister's Visit to TransWilts. on: March 03, 2017, 14:27:04
Gazette link, content looks similar to others:
7  All across the Great Western territory / The Wider Picture in the United Kingdom / Train guard left at Burley-in-Wharfedale station causes delay on: January 31, 2017, 16:28:41

A guard was accidentally stranded at a railway station when the train left without him.
8  Journey by Journey / London to Swindon and Bristol / Re: Diversion from Chippenham this evening - 6 October 2016 on: October 21, 2016, 14:53:39
The route the X31 takes:
9  Journey by Journey / London to Swindon and Bristol / Re: Chippenham Station Footbridge on: August 30, 2016, 08:12:38
Perhaps a roof was needed after all  Huh

10  All across the Great Western territory / Buses and other ways to travel / Re: Buses - consultation on the future shape of services in Wiltshire on: January 27, 2016, 19:54:48
Myself and MrsF have returned our consultations supporting option 24/7  Smiley

My own situation is that any funding withdrawal on the 231 means an evening out meeting friends in Bath or Chippenham becomes taxis both ways if I want to enjoy a beer or two.
My friend who lives in Melksham now has to rely on his wife to pick him up this coming Saturday evening from Chippenham as the 234 has already gone.

Playing Devils Advocate, could any reduction in Wiltshire's Bus Services be used as leverage for improved rail services in the county, particularly those proposed by Trans Wilts CRP (Community Rail Partnership)? (hourly Trans Wilts, Corsham, RWB, Wilton Parkway etc)
11  Journey by Journey / TransWilts line / Delays for train passengers travelling through Melksham and Chippenham - 22/01 on: January 22, 2016, 13:45:56
12  All across the Great Western territory / Buses and other ways to travel / Re: Wiltshire Hopper (Survey) on: January 15, 2016, 10:07:47
Wiltshire Council confirm the hopper will be discontinued:
13  All across the Great Western territory / Fare's Fair / Re: 15% Off National Railcards on: January 11, 2016, 08:02:47
On some of the railcards including the friends and family (which I will be buying) there is a three year offer for ^70, which in the long run works out to be better value unless of course you circumstances change during that time frame.
14  All across the Great Western territory / Across the West / Re: Great Western Main Line electrification - ongoing discussion on: October 22, 2015, 20:19:08
15  All across the Great Western territory / Fare's Fair / Car Parking advice - Abbey Wood / Parkway on: October 05, 2015, 16:16:33
I^m planning a couple of trips from Bristol over the next couple of weeks.  The first being this Friday departing as close as possible to midday, the second being next Tuesday departing at 0900.
I want to drive to either Parkway or Filton Abbey Wood, park and go on from there.  My preference would be Abbey Wood as the parking is free compared to the ^8ish pounds that Parkway would be.  My concern is that the car park at Abbey Wood is quite small and as I am arriving after morning peak I may arrive and not be able to find a space, meaning I will have to find somewhere else nearby (not easy when you don^t have local knowledge) or end up going to Parkway anyway and scuppering my finely tuned plans.
Does anyone have local knowledge on Abbey Wood as to whether parking spaces are easy to come by or would it be better just to go to Parkway to be on the safe side and take the hit on the parking cost?
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