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1  All across the Great Western territory / Buses and other ways to travel / Re: Bristol Mayor George Ferguson signs FirstBus fare cut petition on: December 30, 2012, 15:40:56
Fares were always going to rise as a result of the tax rebate on fuel for bus operators being removed forcing costs up sharply for many operators. Maybe petitions should be directed more towards the government to remove tax on fuel and other operating costs for bus operators allowing for cheaper fares and reducing pressure on local authorities with marginal routes becomming commercially viable due to reduced costs. Tax revenue could then come purely from company profits rather than taxing operating costs. A common sense approach like this would simplify things and in the long run improve things.
2  All across the Great Western territory / The Wider Picture in the United Kingdom / Re: It's Glasgow-Edinburgh at 140mph ... in 30 mins on: November 12, 2012, 19:42:07
I can only see it being affordable if linked with HS2 (The next High Speed line(s)) working southwards to meet in the middle somewhere to create a high speed network from north to south. More financially beneficial however if it creates strong links to Aberdeen with the oil industry and other high tech industries in that particular part of Scotland. HS (High Speed (short for HSS (High Speed Services) High Speed Services)) between Glasgow and Edinburgh should be part of this as a long term strategy as opposed to a standalone project.
3  Journey by Journey / Shorter journeys in South and West Wales / Re: Short break in Cardiff. on: November 01, 2012, 12:43:07
All National Museums in Wales are free allowing visits to Cardiff Musuem, St Fagans musuem of Welsh life and Big Pit as previously mentioned with all being worth a look. If you're in Cardiff Saturday there is the annual fireworks display which is not that cheap but worth seeing if you fancy it. Cardiff Bay may be worth a visit, especially if either yourself or other half like doctor who with the doctor who experience being located down that way.
4  All across the Great Western territory / Who's who on Western railways / Re: Why does franchising work? on: August 30, 2012, 12:16:56
Although NSE (Network South East) had inspirational leadership by C Green Esq even he could not deliver the investment needed.  Although the trains are expensive we have probably the lowest average age train fleet in europe provided by private capital.  The infrastructure has been a mess but that goes back to Railtrack and PUG2 and instead of leaving the company to sort itself out HMG decided to step in when then sensed a political opportunity.  This caused years of chaos - if Railtrack had been left alone the system would have been sorted much more quickly.

The problem with the investment however is that despite the network being imporved and the age of rolling stock decreasing, it does not mean things have improved. The most popular and suitable intercity stock seems to be the hst as it can go almost anywhere with a large amount of capacity and a buffet, essential for intercity services. Post privatisation has seen the introduction of voyagers for example which seem to be the equivelant of the old alphaline services in regards to service provision and comfort as opposed to intercity levels despite being intercity services. Then you have the infrastructure investment which seems very short term focussed as can be seen with the Ebbw Vale line re-opening were everything was done to a price, but now required even more investment to increase frequency which would have been cheaper if a little bit more investment took place in the first place.

I'm not saying that BR (British Rail(ways)) would be better as there were clearly problems, but the privatised mess we currently have is just as bad, if not worse. Maybe instead of regional franchises, it would have been better to have a UK (United Kingdom) railway franchise that allows investment and cross subsidy of the whole network with a clear partnership between a franchise holder and network rail with long term planning and investment with suitable investment in rolling stock and infrastructure whilst reducing the needless duplication of staff amongst other things that have greatly increased costs.

At the end of the day, it seems neither the government nor private companies are any good at running the railways, what it requires is to be similair to the Royal Mail set up, free to run itself without input from civil servants or politicans but still owned by the government.
5  All across the Great Western territory / The Wider Picture in the United Kingdom / Re: Heathrow Airport expansion - proposal for third runway - ongoing discussion on: August 28, 2012, 15:35:27
How about none of the options? Why not develop plans for a long term high speed network in addition to HS (High Speed (short for HSS (High Speed Services) High Speed Services)) 1 and 2 reducing the need for domestic and short haul flights reducing the need for not only a new runway at Heathrow, but needs for increasing number of airports throughout the UK (United Kingdom) to a small number of hubs connected to regional transport hubs with High speed rail with local rail, bus and coach connections. Entirely feasible if only governments both locally and throughout Europe work together to achieve such an aim.
6  All across the Great Western territory / Fare's Fair / Re: Labour slams FGW on: August 20, 2012, 14:01:39
First handing back the keys from what I gathered is beneficial to both parties as the dft would have to pay first a large amount of compensation due to disruption on the network due to upcomming works which is higher than the payments due to be made by first. It seems this is a mutual deal between fgw and the dft as a fresh start with a new franchise with payments factoring disruption with IEP (Intercity Express Program / Project. This will offer more capacity on routes, save money, give a consistent and safe service and meet customer requirements. Intended to replace HSTs.) and electrification makes a more stable long term franchise. Sometimes it's better to wipe the slate clean for both parties which this seems to be the case.
7  Journey by Journey / London to South Wales / Re: Failure Severn Tunnel 06/08/12 on: August 08, 2012, 15:15:57
This problem seems quite common when there is disruption between Cardiff and Bristol.
As a regular passenger on that route, I know that if my train from Bristol Temple Meads to Cardiff is delayed then it is often better for me to get a local service to Bristol Parkway and then a HST (High Speed Train (Inter City class 43 125 units)) from there to Cardiff (and the same in reverse). Most people don't realise that. I will say that at least twice there have been announcements at Bristol Temple Meads advising people to do exactly that. I have never hard any announcements at Cardiff for the reverse.

Funnily enough the other day whilst I was travelling through Cardiff with a Portsmouth service cancelled for whatever reason, the TM (Train Manager, or possibly Ticket Machine, depending on context) on the hst shouted all passangers for Portsmouth to board the service to parkway to change for Temple Meads for connection repeating the information on board the service. No announcements from the ATW (Arriva Trains Wales (former Train Operating Company)) staff despite hearing the TM advising passangers of this. Though I can't say I'm surprised as ATW seem to have little knowledge of their own services in many stations let alone others although I have a feeling its not the fault of station staff who more often than not genuinely seem like they do not know suggesting an information problem for them too.
8  All across the Great Western territory / The Wider Picture in the United Kingdom / Re: FirstGroup trumps Virgin as frontrunner for WCML franchise (guardian 29/07/2012) on: August 01, 2012, 12:41:26
All OA TOCs (Train Operating Company) should be axed and absorbed into the EC franchise. It's ridiculous to have several TOCs fighting for paths when it would be better for the passenger to have a regular clockface service run by EC. And perhaps with some Peterborough stops for connections.

OA provides something which should be embraced which is competition. The problem with existing TOCs is they get complacent with a feeling of a given right to charge what they want offering services they feel are appropriate. The Sunderland market has grown as a result of OA which East Coast were not really interested in with previous franchise holders. Competition forces standards to improve. Who is to say if OA operators went that services would maintained in areas that now have improved services. OA is far from perfect but it can provide opporunities that TOCs will not attempt to try. If anything when hst's become available whenever replacements arrive, the OA scene could be extremely interesting as faster stock taking up less paths could create many opportunities that franchise holders will or not or can not attempt. The current system favours nobody as innovation is stifled through unwillingness to allow new ideas or services. OA could even provide opportunities for re-opened or rail connected preserved lines to have services direct to places people wish to go such as Minehead to Paddington during the summer. Saying OA operators should be forced to close and hand over paths to TOCs will help nobody in the long run.
9  All across the Great Western territory / The Wider Picture in the United Kingdom / Re: FirstGroup trumps Virgin as frontrunner for WCML franchise (guardian 29/07/2012) on: August 01, 2012, 10:04:38

They call that an ORCATS (Operational Research Computerised Allocation of Tickets to Services) raid. Remember open access operators still don't pay full track charges. With an ORCATS raid they also take money from government i.directly through the franchise operator.

Problem is however open access operators can be argued increase the pot through increasing numbers travelling such as East Coast gaining through Hull Trains. Orcats raids seem to quite often be complained about by TOCs (Train Operating Company) but they will happily carry them out themselves, just look at the once a day XC (Cross Country Trains (franchise)) service from Bath. Also Orcats is not a fair system in that a large amount of South Wales traffic travel on fgw services but I'm sure I've seen somewhere that ATW (Arriva Trains Wales (former Train Operating Company)) take most of the fares in the area. I guess the fares system needs to change as currently it favours nobody leading to lower premiums for the government, less revenue for operators and for passangers lack of investment and/or choice in terms of service as revenue does not fully match what service is provided by what operators.
10  All across the Great Western territory / The Wider Picture in the United Kingdom / Re: FirstGroup trumps Virgin as frontrunner for WCML franchise (guardian 29/07/2012) on: July 31, 2012, 14:31:30
If restaurants were profitable they wouldn't have been axed across the network. Look at W&S (Wrexham and Shropshire (Open Access Operator)) - it failed.

People can't afford (even in non recession times) to shell out for a 1st class ticket and then pay even more for the food.

FGW (First Great Western) are probably keeping the token service to avoid the outcry that surrounded other restaurants when they collapsed. Any new ones are probably to make the chef actually do something in the other direction.

The restaurant and travelling chef however are not exclusive to first class which is a benefit to all. If the restaurant was not profitable then of course they would not exist. If you look however, numerous travelling chef services happen to be the named services which are no doubt busy and benefit from extra catering provisions. Being optional however allows staff to only focus food on what is ordered instead of providing anything to satisfy complimentary offerings. Have you by any chance used the travelling chef on fgw? Previously I have travelled I have had a first class ticket and food from the chef for ^15 whilst travelling Bristol to Swansea which is amazing value with many people also taking up the opportunity to use the chef on board too. It works out cheaper than purchasing food from other outlets sometimes and more convenient making paid for offerings on board highly attractive to both TOC (Train Operating Company) and passangers if ran correctly. People can and do afford the service, however I admit that there is a perception that it is expensive and portions are lacking which when people try the service though realise is not the case.
11  Journey by Journey / Shorter journeys in South and West Wales / Re: Ebbw Vale train service resumes 46 years on on: July 30, 2012, 12:05:40
The problem with the bus service is why would people catch a train to connect with a bus when there are direct bus services available that run from the same places without requiring a change that are reasonably priced. A direct service to Newport would be attractive as lack of change and quicker journey times would be attractive. A direct servicve would also enable connections to Bristol, Gloucester etc. allowing for better long distance opportunities to compete with the car which people will not consider requiring a train-bus-train combo. The bus service was to a certain extent always doomed and hopefully it won't be used as ammo by accountants in the WAG» (Welsh Assembly Government - about) to say Ebbw Vale to Newport does not require a direct service.
12  All across the Great Western territory / The Wider Picture in the United Kingdom / Re: FirstGroup trumps Virgin as frontrunner for WCML franchise (guardian 29/07/2012) on: July 30, 2012, 11:58:12
So it look as if First want to apply their low standards of First Class service (a cup of tea and a biscuit probably) to the WCML (West Coast Main Line)! Angry

I hope Virgin win.

It is entirely possible that the shorter journies in terms of time may lose full service but would not greatly affect people travelling Birmingham to London who could probably go without outside of peak hours their meals. Entirely reasonable in my opinion as people are happy on Chiltern with this option so why not on WCML. Especially if it means prices may reduce or go up by less without paying for the food as well. Also worth noting that even though staff are being cut, it is possible that directly employed staff may be cut in favour of outsourcing, in other words cost savings through letting catering firms do the catering as opposed to a large internal team to do it. If it works out cheaper to pay Rail Gourmet to carry out basic services than employing staff directly it may be beneficial for the franchise, whether it is better for staff themselves is a mute point as with the dft, money talks so if service levels may stay the same levels, it is cheaper letting others do it. After all Rail Gourmet may be able to get items a lot cheaper as a result of purchasing for other services they carry out to allowing economies of scale. Cost savings does not always mean a cut in service.
13  All across the Great Western territory / Buses and other ways to travel / Re: M4 closed in London due to CRACKS on viaduct! on: July 09, 2012, 11:32:01
Given that there are already current overcrowding issues around the M4 corridor with fgw into London, then encouraging people onto services may have short term gains but severe long term losses. Services even more overcrowded this week may make current users decide enough is enough and revert to driving to work. To counter that, first could delay some maintenance by a week to offer increased capacity, but this in turn would lead to the week after having a shortage of units that could see cancelled and short formed services, again increasing overcrowding on services a week later possibly leading to more regular users deciding enough is enough and no longer travel by train again. A lose lose situation where fgw should focus on keeping its current users happy, not a few extras for a few days only.

Tbh I believe that first is pretty proactive in providing extra capacity if possible as seen by hst's for football fans for certain games and even providing more capacity in Wales for rugby internationals than the local Toc with extra hst's and strengthened units from Bristol. If it was possible then I believe fgw would have made suitable arrangements but it is not possible.
14  Journey by Journey / Shorter journeys in South and West Wales / Re: Gowerton station platform reinstatement and replacement of Loughor viaduct on: June 05, 2012, 14:33:56
A relatively simple solution would be to run numerous services from West Wales to use the bay platform at Bridgend allowing cross platform change at Bridgend for onward travel. Less trains blocking the mainline whilst also enabling ease of connection with minimal disruption, especially considering the bay platform from Bridgend is very rarely used. Not all services will need to do this, but a select few would be useful to provide more services from further west to other areas. Hopefully these could be timed to connect with Manchester or London services to which are likely to have the capacity to allow onward travel to Cardiff where suitable connections to the majority of services required for onward travel would exist.
15  All across the Great Western territory / Across the West / Re: Volo TV now free to use on: May 31, 2012, 12:15:04
You can use it in a few more places than just London to the West though so more appropriate here  Tongue

(Didn't see your post in all seriousness though so sorry for repeat posting)
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