Thank you every body for your replies on this one while I have been away.
I also contacted the Convergence Cornwall office as they where mentioned in the press releases and they where very helpful in passing on my query to Cornwall Councils Transport Policy Officer who asked the General Manager at First Great Western to contact myself.
This he did on Friday, unfortunately I was not around to take the call but he left a very clear comprehensive message in answer to my query. I feel genuinely privileged to have received ecellent feedback from such a high level.
He explained the situation where the branch service was a fixed clock rotation that had to best fit with the main line non clock rotation taking into account the mainline shared track.
So from this my understanding is the situation came about because FGW▸ (First Great Western) had to produce a fixed "Clock Rotation" timetable that I believe was requested by Cornwall Council ?
This seams to be the nub of the problem as the shared main line is non Clock Rotation and the new timetable is a best fit for the whole day. I have not looked to if its possible, but maybe having more flexible timings though out the day on the branch could help? Dare I say it less trains more connected please.
In reply to the previously tight times, yes ten minutes would be better for the stress levels especially if picking up tickets.