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All across the Great Western territory / Across the West / Re: Station and on board train announcements - merged topic, ongoing discussion
on: May 06, 2009, 12:07:31
Also, a fully functional auto announcer for Oxford should provide two or even three different announcements for each train, and more if there are delays, so it isn't a simple case of announcements not clashing just because there aren't two trains timetabled together. Having two voices at Oxford also future proofs it for the Chiltern plans of course...
The station staff at Plymouth were talking about having 2 voices (like at exeter st davids) in use instead of just the female because annoucements on platform 5/6 clash with the ones on 3/4/7/8, due to the amounts of trains that terminate on 5/6 when a train is arriving on 7/8.
All across the Great Western territory / Across the West / Re: Station and on board train announcements - merged topic, ongoing discussion
on: May 06, 2009, 11:38:29
Yesterday at Plymouth I heard the announcement for the 1000 Penzance-Paddington service and after all the normal stuff the female voice announced "I am sorry to inform you that this service has been reported full and standing". I thought it was unusual, has anyone heard that before?
Haha i reminded my m8 who was working in the office to add that bit in , filmed that one come in, only left 4 late lol. He was ringing swindon asking them if they could add anymore to the 'Please Note' section, but it was already full Plymouths got loads of problems, on monday the 1937 annoucement went off, everyone thought it was coming in, but infact it was set of by default, as the system does not detect trains rite. After it went off they annouced it was 15 late! Also the computer crashes alot, and the system has only just been reset (when phil came back for a few weeks), thats why the annoucements are not on alot cause they have to restart it and remember to skip scandisk!
All across the Great Western territory / Across the West / Re: Station and on board train announcements - merged topic, ongoing discussion
on: May 04, 2009, 21:59:54
The old system in the Thames Valley area is nothing to do with Great Western Link. It was installed by Thames Trains. And as far as I understand it, the intention is to fit the new system across the whole FGW▸ network, at stations big and small - and the Thames Valley should get it first - the TT system has never been that reliable, as many of us know only too well , was hard at it on Friday at Moreton-in-Marsh, announcing the 8.52 from Malvern was running 10 late when you could hear it approaching the station.
At Oxford, the platform 1 announcements are made by a man - the directional announcements by the different voices seems quite a good idea, once you pick up on it. Having very rarely encountered Phil, I've no idea if this is him or not.
I was going to say Thames Trains! but then i changed my mind and put Great Western Link!! lol
All across the Great Western territory / Across the West / Re: The Saturday and Sunday anacronism - SWT to Penzance
on: May 04, 2009, 08:31:26
I thought it was still part of the SWT▸ franchise commitments until they start running the hourly EXD» -WAT services.
FGW▸ staff run the service so SWT staff are not out of position. I believe it is a 2car 158 that is used now.
and because it stops the SWT staff going over their hours and i think its just the train manager that is FGW, it is driven by SWT i think. Saw a 159 on it last saturday!
All across the Great Western territory / Across the West / Re: Station and on board train announcements - merged topic, ongoing discussion
on: May 04, 2009, 08:29:06
SO are FGW▸ looking to have the same voice and same system t each of the stations? Surely would make things more cost effective?
All depends on cost, if they are happy with the system at Oxford and Slough (The one they use at all their other stations, but the updated version), they will most properly use that system and will then start replacing some more of the old Great Western Link and Wessex Trains systems, if i remember stations such as Exeter Central, Cheltenham Spa, Gloucester and Trowbridge are set to get a new CIS▸ 's according to the Stations Improvements part of their website. But i would imagine that they will replace all of the old systems at their busier stations, such as Westbury, Dawlish, Teignmouth, Paignton, and some stations down in to Cornwall. If they dont like the system, they will start getting bids for who can replace the old Wessex/Great Western Link systems and will go for the best one, in the case of price and how advanced the system is. I think Siemens are one of the bidders along with Amey (who are the company that provided the Phil/Celia systems). Any chance anyone could get me some pictures and recordings of the new systems at Oxford and Slough please???
All across the Great Western territory / Across the West / Re: Station and on board train announcements - merged topic, ongoing discussion
on: May 03, 2009, 16:43:56
Celia seems to have taken over most of Bristol TM‡ from what I heard the other day.... I quite like her sexy tones... I DO NOT like the awful 'god I sound bored' tones of the woman they use at Paddington. Sounds so false. Exeter SD have had the " EXD» this is EXD" announcement recalibrated as the down-London was being announced before the train was over the crossing, and it was possible to get the XC▸ Aberdeen service out of the platform before it had finished. In answer to what's the point, I was always asked plenty of times on the platform whether they were in the right city or not, so while some think "wh at's the point", it's no doubt comforting for soon. Yeee ave noticed that, was up there just yesterday! I love the way Celia says "service to Exeter St Daavidss!!!!" and our environment sound sensors were working overtime, everytime there was a little noise, the volume went up, then down again! Our (Plymouth) security annoucement get louder as it goes through till celias virtually shouting it by the end!! Was on the XC Penzance - Aberdeen yesterday! was packed in every carriage except First Class and Quiet, the annoucement is to long for the Aberdeen train, bet everyone thinks, when is she going to say "...and Aberdeen"
But you have to love her "Please board the train NOW, as it is ready to leave"
Does it actually say that For all those "Phil" lovers (btline ) head down to Newton Abbot. Yeee i love newton abbot!
All across the Great Western territory / Across the West / Re: Station and on board train announcements - merged topic, ongoing discussion
on: May 03, 2009, 00:33:57
At Oxford Sayer (man) makes announcements for trains using the "up" platform (Padd/Reading/Bomo/Soton etc) and Drummond (lady) makes announcements for trains using the "down" platform (terminatins ex-London services, Cotswold Line, Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle etc). PS, at risk of sounding repetitive, yet again I'm going to record my appreciation for the shiny new Oxford CIS▸ . It's brilliant. ;o would u be able to get me some recordings of the new system please? o no! well you have it better than me, Plymouth its just Celia for all platforms !!
All across the Great Western territory / Across the West / Re: Station and on board train announcements - merged topic, ongoing discussion
on: May 02, 2009, 06:45:49
The reason why this system is on trial is because its the updated version of the DITRA System than what they have at their other stations.
The main difference is the exchange of I/I'm for We/Were, and the system has lots more options that the previous to say the least.
Also this version is the same as what South West Trains have, and as mentioned above "The train now standing..." is no longer said and is replaced with "Platform x for the..." and SWT▸ choose to disabled the "XYZ. This is XYZ" and FGW▸ choose not to!
Do you know why Phil seems to be incompatible with the new version of Ditra? What do you mean by imcompatible???
All across the Great Western territory / Across the West / Re: Station and on board train announcements - merged topic, ongoing discussion
on: May 01, 2009, 22:36:51
The reason why this system is on trial is because its the updated version of the DITRA System than what they have at their other stations.
The main difference is the exchange of I/I'm for We/Were, and the system has lots more options that the previous to say the least.
Also this version is the same as what South West Trains have, and as mentioned above "The train now standing..." is no longer said and is replaced with "Platform x for the..." and SWT▸ choose to disabled the "XYZ. This is XYZ" and FGW▸ choose not to!