If someone said to me, go from Penzance to Aberdean and you can fly or take the train...! Train wins everytime, even if it does take over 10 hours to get there
I disapprove of flying, What I like about trains is that you can walk to the ticket office, ask for a ticket, get on the train, and your all set to go
Flying... Thats a different story. You have to go through security where if you make the slightest error like forgetting to declare your laptop and MP3 Player, you get jumped and interogated by 6 Security Guards!
I once returned from Spain where I went on holiday and I had a really stressful flight and was in no fit state to speak to anyone. Get to immigration in Bristol Airport... "Where have you flown from today sir...?" I could not remember
In fact, The last 4 hours of stress had completely thrown me and I couldn't remember a thing
Hence why I stick to trains
However all was resolved and they let me on my way
trains are fine say on a paddington penzance at 11am getting in like 4pm
where you are probablygoing to have a relatively trouble free not very crowded long and peaceful journey
but this long journey we`ve been discussing crosses 2 peak time periods probably changing as well and maybe catching a tube if via london
in this case i definatly think plane even with boarding etc is stil the more comfortable option