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All across the Great Western territory / Active travel: Cyclists and walkers, including how the railways deal with them / Re: New transport adviser
on: July 28, 2019, 19:43:25
Let’s hope so , HS2▸ is needed for capacity , but not 400 Kph, and perhaps, a review may be s good idea , slower speed , Station at Brackley , a Transport Desert , May not be s bad move. I have supported it in public , but in private, I know it is poorly managed and costing too much . As for cycleways, bring them in , very cheap , good for environment.
Journey by Journey / Shorter journeys in South and West Wales / Re: M4 relief road cancelled
on: June 05, 2019, 20:31:53
This was in Transport , environment and economic terms , the right decision, let’s press for full upgrade of Ebbe Vale, and Abitalery , with wires. Further east it’s time to scrap , the financially suspect expressway, £4bn and counting , and invest in Cowley , Witney , Hanborough, and actually. Getting to Cambridge . It’s about time the road Lobby has a set back , with their Poor VFM , schemes . Expressway 1.2 CBR▸ NM4 - even less .
All across the Great Western territory / Diary - what's happening when? / Re: 10th November 2018 - RailFuture National Conference, Reading
on: August 30, 2018, 17:18:43
It looks a fantastic line up of speakers , far better than conferences that cost many hundreds of pounds, Grahame is right, Railfuture are showcasing the Thames Valley , there is probably more going in here, than anywhere else in the Country. Do not underestimate the scale of investment going on, it’s easy to take it for granted , don’t forget how bad it was in the 1980,s.
I am definatly going , lots to learn and CPD .
Journey by Journey / Chiltern Railways services / Railfuture Thames Valley AGM 22 April 2017
on: April 01, 2017, 21:50:10
The branch AGM▸ is at High Wycombe on 22 April 10.30 am , The Hub , Easton Street , close to Station . HP11 1NJ the Speaker is Stephen Barker , who will talk about the Oxford Link , lessons learnt , and how it is progressing . Stephen is also now involved in East West rail , so may or may not be able to answer questions on that . Non members very welcome at talk , which should follow formal business .
Journey by Journey / Chiltern Railways services / Railfuture Meeting Oxford - Network Rail 16 November
on: October 20, 2016, 10:11:13
Railfuture ( Thames Valley) have a meeting on the FUTURE PLANS FOR THE OXFORD CORRIDOR , speakers from Network Rail, this is a chance to find out what is actually planned, once and for all, it is clear there is far to much speculation , and this has fed the Objectors and Rail Haters of North Oxford, who have quite frankly peddled a lot of mistruths. Do come along and get the facts 18:30 HRS ( DOORS OPEN 18:00 HRS) Wednesday 16th November 2016 Jericho Community Centre 33a Canal Street Oxford OX2 6BQ Free entry , anyone who wants the facts , most welcome
Sideshoots - associated subjects / Campaigns for new and improved services / Railfuture AGM , Saturday 16th April 2016
on: April 12, 2016, 20:28:20
The Branch AGM▸ is at 10.00hrs At west Oxford community centre, Botley Road , 5 mins walk from Station, Speaker at 10.30 will be Chris Austin , joint author of Disconnected , which for those who have not read it is a fantastic insight , into the closure programme. And how some lines were saved. Railfuture is of course committed to reopening , and in many ways Chris Austins , connecting communities for ATOC» kicked off the current re-opening wave. We will also have updates on East West Rail , Hanborough, Wantage Grove and our other Branch Campigns . Feel free to come along if you can , you don't need to be a member, and it should be informative.